Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The dream job

 The dream job what a dreamy word when you read this sentence or hear it you feel like this is what you really should do with your life, you feel like what the hell i'm doing in my job right now, how many of us feel like a waste of space in their job , you just spending so much effort and so much time on something you really don't love , I know that you need to pay your bills BUT what about your soul , What about your feeling of satisfaction and personal success , when you sleep at the end of your day and feel like you achieve something ,but you have to find this job now before it's to late i know a lot of people don't really know what they are good at and just work what's available is this a good way to live is this a happy life i'm sure they all have their regrets they should stop for a while and discover them selves discover who they are and what they need in life , you can stop all your excuses   today and make your own list your own needs try to discover your self , don't waste your life on something you don't care about and believe me when you do what you love It's not gonna be just your dream job but it will turn your life  around ,you will become a happy individual in general you will wake up loving your job loving your self loving the life and no way your beloved job will let you down it will for sure pay your bills eventually SO what's your dream job ?

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